Double Ball Arms

Ultralight Control Systems is known for our quality parts, especially our double ball arms.

Our arms are practically indestructible and you will only need to buy them once. Depending on the photography or the application you plan to use them on, we have several sizes to pick from. You can mix and match them depending on what you plan to do. For the BEST flexibility we recommend two arms and three clamps per side.

All of our arms are measured from the center of the O-ring to the center of the O-ring and the ball size is 1″.

For more information, please watch our video about our arms.

Diver in BC, Canada-Phillip Colla image

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DB-05, DB-08, DB-12 and DB-16

DB-05, 5″ double ball arm-$47.95

DB-08, 8″ double ball arm-$49.95

DB-12, 12″ double ball arm-$52.95

DB-16, 16″ double ball arm-$56.95

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Double Ball Rod Arms

Our double ball 3/8″ rod arms work great when trying to reduce weight and/or for applications requiring something smaller in size.

DB-o3, DB-06 and DB-09

DB-03, 3″ double ball arm-$31.95

DB-06, 6″ double ball arm-$35.95

DB-09, 9″ double ball arm-$39.95

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Double Ball Crossbar Arm

For more information, please watch our video on how to use our new DB-CB10 arm

Updated video with new info about our CB-DB10

DB-CB10 crossbar arm

DB-CB10, 10″ double ball flat crossbar with 1/4″ mounting holes-$78.95

DB-CB10 Crossbar Arm with GoPro and two lights mounted using the BA-HS ball mounts and AC-CSF28-KG clamps

DB-CB10 mounted over top of camera using two AC-TCS triple clamps

DB-CB10 Crossbar Arm with BA-HS and BA-HS ball mounts mounted to it.

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Single Ball Arms

These arms will allow you to attach to a strobe or light using one less clamp in the arm set, but reduces flexibility at the strobe head.

SBSS-5RB, 5″ single ball arm, one end has ball and the other flat with 3/8″ hole including 1/4″ threaded screw knob-$52.95

SBSS-5, 5″ single ball arm-$50.95

SBSS-8, 8″ single ball arm-$54.95

SBSS-8RB, 8″ single ball arm, one end has ball and the other flat with 3/8″ hole including 1/4″ threaded screw knob-$56.95

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Double Ball Extension Arms

Ultralight control systems extendable camera arms DB-EXT

DB-EXTDouble ball arm, extends from 11″ to 19″-$94.95

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Arm Accessories

AD-1420Base adapter-1/4″-20 female threads. Used with AC-ARM to attach to an arm-$23.95

AC-ARM, Used to mount a 1/4″ ball adapter to an Ultralight arm-$5.95

BA-HS-Threaded ball adapter with 1/4″-20 x 7/8″ bolt and washer -$23.95

BA-HB-Ball adapter with 1/4″-20 x 1 1/2″ through bolt and washer -$23.95

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If you cannot find what you are looking for from one of our dealers,

you may place an order directly with us using our Direct Sales Form

This video has more info about our direct sales