Strobe and Light Adapters

Ultralight makes a large variety of strobe and light adapters to choose from.

Some are universal, whereas others are specific to certain brands and some look the same except the hardware is different for each.

Reef sharks in the Bahamas-Chris Borel image

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Sea & Sea, Olympus, Fisheye, and Fantasea Style Adapters

ultralight control systems strobe adapters

Sea and Sea strobe with AD-SS attached to it

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AD-SS-Ball adapter, fits Sea-N-Sea style strobes or lights$23.95

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AD-SSL-3″ Long ball adapter, fits Sea-N-Sea style strobes$27.95

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AD-YS-Light and strobe adapter with 1/4″ threaded hole in the bottom-$20.95

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Ikelite Strobe Adapters

ultralight control systems strobe adapters

Ikelite strobe with AD-125 attached to it

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AD-125-Strobe ball adapter for Ikelite Substrobe MV, MS, 50, DS-51, DS-125, DS-160, DS-161$23.95

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AD-200-Ball adapter for Ikelite 200 -$23.95

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AD-TTL-Ball adapter for the Ikelite EV Controller or the Ikelite TTL Slave Sensor$24.95

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AD-TTLd-AD-TTL adapter with 1/4″-20 threads, 1″ stud length with nuts and washers$27.95

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Nikonos Strobe Adapters

ultralight control systems strobe adapters

Nikonos strobe with AD-200 attached to it

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AD-102-Adapter for 102 strobe$23.95

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AD-103-Adapter for 103 & 105 strobes$23.95

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AD-104-Adapter for 104 strobe$23.95

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Inon Strobe Adapters

ultralight control systems strobe adapters

Inon strobe with AD-IN attached to it

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AD-IN-Ball adapter for Inon strobes with mounting screw and thick washer$27.95

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BA-HB6-Ball adapter with 6 mm x 40 mm $23.95

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Video Light Adapters

ultralight control systems video light adapters

Light & Motion Sidekick light with AD-SK attached to it

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AD-SOLA-Ball adapter for L & M Sola lights with 1/4″ x 1 1/2″ SHCS, lock washer and flat washer$23.95

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AD-MOD-Ball adapter for older L & M video lights with 10/32″ x 1 1/2″ SHCS and washers$23.95

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AD-SK-Ball adapter for Sidekick light with 5 mm x 35 mm SHCS and washer$23.95

ultralight control systems video light adapters

Sola light with AD-SOLA attached to it

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Universal Spotting Light Adapters 

ultralight control systems light adapter ac-spl

AC-SPL-Small flashlight bracket attached to locline with 1/4″ mounting$18.95

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AC-USLmSmall flashlight bracket with 3/4″ diameter saddle-$34.95

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AC-USLFlashlight bracket with 1 1/4″ diameter saddle$34.95

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AC-USLXLLarge flashlight bracket with 2″ diameter saddle$38.95

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AC-TOSHFlashlight bracket with 1 1/2″ diameter saddle$34.95

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