Base Adapters

Ultralight makes base adapters for just about anything and are used anywhere you would like to add a component.

For more information, please watch our video on the different base adapters-Part 1 and Part 2.

Hard coral garden in the Solomon Islands-Ken Kollwitz image

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ultralight base adapter ad-8mm

AD-6MM adapter with 6 mm stud and 9 mm stud length-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ad-8mm

AD-8MM adapter with 8 mm stud and 8 mm stud length-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ad-1420-ik

AD-1420-IK adapter with 1/4″-20 stud and 3/8″ stud length-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ad-nano

AD-NANO, AD-1420 adapter with 1/4″-20 T-bolt and washers-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ba-hb

BA-HS-Threaded ball adapter with 1/4″-20 x 7/8″ bolt and washer -$23.95

ultralight base adapter ad-1420

AD-1420 adapter with 1/4″-20 with female threads (no hardware)-$23.95

AD-1420-2B, AD-1420 adapter with 1/4″-20 bolt and washers-$23.95

AD-1420-2S, AD-1420 adapter with 1/4″-20 stud and 1/4″ stud length-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ad-3816-2b

AD-3816 adapter with 3/8″-16 female threads-(no hardware)-$23.95

AD-3816-2B, AD-3816-2B adapter with 3/8″-16 X 7/8″ bolt and washers-$23.95

AD-3816-2S, AD-3816 adapter with 3/8″-16 stud and 3/8″ stud length-$23.95

ultralight base adapter ba-hb

BA-HB-Ball adapter with 1/4″-20 x 1 1/2″ through bolt and washer -$23.95

BA-HB-LB-Ball adapter with 1/4″-20 x 1 3/4″ through bolt and washer for handles -$23.95

BA-HB6-Ball adapter with 6mm x 40mm SHCS-$23.95

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Base Adapters with Mounting Plates


Most all Ultralight base adapters can be mounted to be either stationary or can be removable using one of our base plates.

Many camera housings have built in handles with screw holes in the top of them for attaching base adapters.

All Ultralight base adapters include both imperial and metric hardware.

ultralight base adapter ba-tg

BA-TG Angled “T” grooved ball adapter with T-bolt to fit the BA-TP-$25.95

ultralight base adapter ba-tp

BA-TPBase adapter “T” Groove plate with two mounting holes for the BA-TG-$16.95

ultralight base adapter ba-aqn and ba-aqw

BA-AQNBase adapter with ball and narrow mounting plate-$26.95

BA-AQWBase Adapter with ball and wide mounting plate-$26.95

ultralight base adapter ba-ad

BA-ADAngled ball adapter with T-bolt that fits into the BA-DB dovetail plate-$25.95

ultralight base adapter ba-db

BA-DBBase adapter dovetail plate with two mounting holes for the BA-AD or BA-DT-$16.95

ultralight base adapter ba-dt

BA-DTBall adapter with T-bolt that fits into the BA-SU or BA-DB dovetail plate$25.95

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Subal Base Adapters 

ultralight subal base adapter

BA-DTBall adapter with T-bolt that fits into the BA-SU or BA-DB dovetail plate$25.95

ultralight subal base adapter

BA-ADAngled ball adapter with T-bolt that fits into the BA-SU or BA-DB dovetail plate-$25.95

ultralight subal base adapter

BA-SAAngled base adapter to bolt on Subal housings-$23.95

ultralight subal base adapter

BA-SPSquare base plate with two mounting holes for Subal housings and one 6MM mounting hole for AD-6MM ball adapter-$15.95

ultralight subal base adapter

AD-6MM adapter with 6 mm stud and 9 mm stud length-$23.95

ultralight subal base adapter

BA-SUBase adapter dovetail plate with two mounting holes for Subal housings-$16.95

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If you cannot find what you are looking for from one of our dealers,

you may place an order directly with us using our Direct Sales Form

This video has more info about our direct sales